Monday, October 5th, 2009

Noam Chomsky
Dozens of anti-torture activists arrested in Washington today, in a protest against the expanding war in Afghanistan, we’ll speak to Kathy Kelly and a student leader arrested at the protest; also, reactionary elements within the Palestinian Authority continue to collaborate with Israel in suppressing the Goldstone report, we’ll speak with Ali Abunimah for a full analysis; plus, JR and the Block Report feature an exclusive interview with a father of one of Oscar Grant’s friends, on the eve of an attempt to change the venue for the killer cop’s hearing; and Noam Chomsky, at 80, speaks about Obama’s Middle East policies in a benefit for the Middle East Children’s Alliance.
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Kathy Kelly, Voices of Creative Nonviolence
Jericha Arentzs, anti-torture activist with Witness Against Torture, VCNV
Ali Abunimah, Electronic Intifada
Noam Chomsky, leading intellectual – Speaking at Oakland’s Paramount Theater, Oct. 3rd, in a benefit for the Middle East Children’s Alliance