Tuesday, January 12th, 2010

Earthquake in Haiti - from Radio Tele Ginen
The poverty-stricken nation of Haiti was rocked today by a massive earthquake that exceeded 7.0 on the richter scale; a major hospital, the presidential palace and many other buildings were damaged; we’ll have a special report on the devastation; also, ten Palestinians killed in Gaza in two weeks by Israeli airstrikes and tank fire, we’ll go to Gaza City for a full report; and a year after the police murder of Oscar Grant, protesters face felony charges for their street response to the close-range killing.
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Kevin Pina
Pierre Labossiere
Farah Juste
Dr. Haidar Eid, professor of Culture Studies at Al-Aqsa University, Steering committee member of PACBI, One Democratic State Group, and Gaza Freedom March
JR and the Block Report