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May 28, 2010 by

Nora Barrows-Friedman in Palestine
Today on Flashpoints, we’ll hear from Enrique Marones, founder of the Border Angels, who is about to leave for Arizona from Chicano Park in San Diego; we’ll also speak to indigenous ecologist and deep environmentalist Tupac Enrique Acosta about the major protest planned against the new racist laws in Arizona, and we’ll get an indigenous view of the BP man-made oil volcano; and we’ll speak to a longtime fisherwoman and resident of the Gulf about national actions planned against BP; and we’ll bid Nora Barrows-Friedman a fond farewell from Flashpoints.
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Diane Wilson, Texas Shrimperwoman and Activist
Enrique Marones, Founder of Border Angels
Tupac Enrique Acosta, Indigenous Activist with Tona Tierra
Ahmed Habib, Journalist and Spoken Word Artist
Nora Barrows-Friedman

Tags: Chicano cultureCorporate CrimesOilPalestine
Daily, Uncategorized
Posted on
March 25, 2010 by

Cesar Chavez y Dolores Huerta
Today we broadcast live from the Center for Spirit, Art and Politics in the Heart of farm-worker country in Sonoma county. We’ll speak with Casimero Alavarez, United Farmworkers Coordinator for Northern California, about the multiple struggles ahead for the UFW, as they prepare to celebrate the birth of UFW founder, Cesar Chavez. We’ll also speak with Chicano Studies Professor Ron Lopez, of Sonoma State University, about the massive budget cuts to public education in California and its particular impacts on brown students in the state. We will also follow-up on a new federal crackdown by ICE on immigrant workers in Sonoma County and Fashpoints in Espanol.
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Molly Goss, Miguel Gavilan Molina, and Miguel Perez
Casimero Alvarez, UFW/North Bay Coordinator
Ron Lopez, Chicano Studies, Sonoma State University
Evalina Molina

Tags: Chicano cultureEducationFlashpoints en EspanolImmigrant Rights
Posted on
January 08, 2010 by

Global Climate Crisis
We’ll have an expansive report-back from the recent Global Climate Summit in Copenhagen, and we’ll be joined by Tony Gonzales of the American Indian Movement West, Flashpoints special correspondent Evelina Molina, who went as a part of a Global Exchange delegation, also joining us is Global Exchange founder Kevin Danaher, and syndicated media columnist Norman Solomon will give some analysis of the media coverage of the climate summit; we’ll be looking at what happened and where the movement goes from here; plus, JR reports from Los Angeles, on the opening hearings for the trial of Oscar Grant murderer, BART Cop Johannes Mesherle; we’ll also have news headlines from Project Censored; and Flashpoints en Espanol.
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JR and the Block Report
Tony Gonzales, AIM West
Evelina Molina, FP Special Correspondent
Kevin Danaher, Global Exchange
Norman Solomon, Media columnist
Richard Becker, International ANSWER Coalition

Tags: Chicano cultureEnvironmental justiceImmigrant RightsIndigenous rightsInternational LawLatin AmericaObama AdministrationPolice brutalityPrison issues
Posted on
December 11, 2009 by

Jimmy Santiago Baca
We broadcast live from the ANSWER Coalition in the heart of San Francisco’s Mission District; we’ll feature as our special guest the acclaimed Chicano poet, novelist, screenwriter and ex-con Jimmy Santiago Baca; we’ll also be joined by former San Francisco Poet Laureate Jack Hirschman and the troubadour of the Mission District, our own Francisco Herrera; and Flashpoints en Espanol.
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Jimmy Santiago Baca, novelist, poet and screenwriter
Jack Hirschman, former San Francisco Poet Laureate
Francisco Herrera

Tags: Chicano cultureImmigrant RightsIndigenous rightsPoetry