Friday, May 28th 2010 0

Nora Barrows-Friedman in Palestine
Today on Flashpoints, we’ll hear from Enrique Marones, founder of the Border Angels, who is about to leave for Arizona from Chicano Park in San Diego; we’ll also speak to indigenous ecologist and deep environmentalist Tupac Enrique Acosta about the major protest planned against the new racist laws in Arizona, and we’ll get an indigenous view of the BP man-made oil volcano; and we’ll speak to a longtime fisherwoman and resident of the Gulf about national actions planned against BP; and we’ll bid Nora Barrows-Friedman a fond farewell from Flashpoints.
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Diane Wilson, Texas Shrimperwoman and Activist
Enrique Marones, Founder of Border Angels
Tupac Enrique Acosta, Indigenous Activist with Tona Tierra
Ahmed Habib, Journalist and Spoken Word Artist