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March 25, 2010 by

The Will To Resist by Dar Jamail
Today on Flashpoints, special correspondent Dahr Jamail remembers the new forgotten war in Iraq. Also, a revered priest from El Salvador reports on a recent visit to neighboring Honduras where post-coup violence continues to take its toll. And we’ll have our regular weekly segment on community business with Catherine Austin-Fitts.
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Dahr Jamail
Father Andres Tamayo
Catherine Austin-Fitts

Tags: Community BusinessHondurasIraq
Posted on
February 11, 2010 by

Fort Stewart, Georgia officials confirmed that the Army will attempt to separate Spc Marc A Hall from both his civilian legal team and his established military defender Capt. Anthony Schiavetti by sending him to Iraq “within a few days” to face court martial.
The first rains fall on post-earthquake Haiti, and a cry of fear and resistance swells up, Kevin Pina continues his frontline reporting from ground zero in Port-au-Prince; also, Andres Conteris, back from Honduras, where he spent months reporting from the Brazilian Embassy in Tegucigalpa with the exiled President Manuel Zelaya; and Fort Stewart soldier and hip-hop artist Mark Hall faces a court martial for writing a song about military stop-loss.
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Kevin Pina
Andres Thomas Conteris
Sarah Lazare and Jeff Patterson, Courage to Resist

Tags: GI ResistanceHaitiHondurasInternational LawObama Administration
Posted on
January 26, 2010 by

Exiled Honduran President Manuel Zelaya
Kevin Pina continues his drumbeat reporting from Port-au-Prince, where tens of thousands of Haitians still wait for food, water and shelter, as thousands more who could have been saved die from a lack of support; also, internationally-renowned peace activist Kathy Kelly joins us to talk about the Peaceful Assembly campaign, a series of actions to hold the Obama administration accountable for promises made and broken; and we’ll hear from Andres Thomas Conteris, who prepares to leave the Brazilian Embassy in Honduras after spending 129 days with exiled President Manuel Zelaya.
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Kevin Pina
Andres Thomas Conteris, Nonviolence International and Democracy Now!
Kathy Kelly, Voices for Creative Nonviolence

Tags: HaitiHondurasInternational LawObama AdministrationTorture
Posted on
January 05, 2010 by

John Ross
Award-winning Independent of London reporter Patrick Cockburn responds to Hillary Clinton’s statements on Yemen and assesses the expanding war in Afghanistan; also, John Ross reviews the year in Mexican politics and takes a look forward at some of the key issues as the Mexican economy continues to crumble; and Andres Thomas Conteris reports on a breaking story regarding high US officials meeting with President Zelaya in the Brazilian Embassy at this hour.
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Andres Thomas Conteris, Democracy Now and Nonviolence International
John Ross, author, historian and poet
Patrick Cockburn, Independent of London
Tags: AfghanistanHondurasInternational LawLatin AmericaMexicoObama AdministrationYemen
Posted on
December 28, 2009 by

Dennis Brutus
Our special correspondent in the occupied West Bank, Jamal Juma, jailed by Israel for his nonviolent activism; also, a Holocaust survivor goes on hunger strike in protest to Egypt’s lockout of the Gaza Freedom March, we’ll also speak to Barbara Lubin in Cairo; plus, Andres Conteris reports on the upsurge of death squad violence under the coup regime in Honduras; we remember noted South African poet and freedom fighter Dennis Brutus; and the Knight Report.
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Hindi Mesleh, anti-apartheid wall activist and organizer with Stop the Wall Campaign
Hedy Epstein, peace activist and Holocaust survivor
Barbara Lubin, Middle East Children’s Alliance
Andres Thomas Conteris, Nonviolence International and Democracy Now!
Excerpts from an interview in 2007 with Dennis Brutus

Tags: BDSGazaHondurasIndigenous rightsInternational LawIsraelObama AdministrationPalestinePoetryZionism/Zionist Lobby
Posted on
December 22, 2009 by

Kevin in Haiti
In Haiti, Death Squads Take to the streets in Port au Prince with full impunity; also, Eva Golinger reports from Caracas on Drone Surveillance from Columbia, CIA infiltrations into Cuba, and the coup in Honduras; A leader of the Indigenous Environmental Network Speaks out at the end of the Global Summit, and the Knight report.
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Kevin Pina, Flashpoints special correspondent
Tom Goldtooth, Indigenous Environmental Network
Eva Golinger, author, The Chavez Code
Tags: Environmental justiceHaitiHondurasIndigenous rightsInternational LawObama AdministrationVenezuela
Posted on
December 09, 2009 by
According to secret documents, The G-8 supports
climate policies that Jeopardize the entire African
Continent; We'll feature and in-depth interview with
the Sudanese Chairman of the G-77 about the secret
document and its potentially deadly impact on
hundreds of millions of Africans: we also speak to a
Kenyan food aid worker who helped lead a march at
the Climate Summit to protest the secret document.
We'll get a report from Honduras confirming fraud in
the recent sham election: JR and the Block Report
and extensive violence by the coup-government during
talk to Mumia Abu Jamal plus the Knight report.
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Tags: AfricaEnvironmental justiceHondurasIndigenous rightsInternational LawObama Administration
Posted on
November 30, 2009 by

Kevin Cooper
We’ll have a report from the resistance caravan on the ground in Honduras, as well as a report from inside the Brazilian Embassy where the current President of Honduras remains in internal exile; also, the Supreme Court refuses to hear an appeal by Kevin Cooper, putting him on the fast track to the death house; we’ll speak to Greg Palast on the ten year anniversary of the Battle in Seattle, and ongoing corporate attempts to sell the Third World on derivatives and other risky financial instruments; also, Catherine Austin Fitts continues with our ongoing series on the Anatomy of a Financial Coup D’Etat; and the Knight Report.
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Andres Conteris, Democracy Now and Nonviolence International
Tim Russo, Free Speech Radio News
Norman Hile, lead attorney for Kevin Cooper
Greg Palast, investigative reporter and author
Catherine Austin Fitts, Solari Network

Tags: Corporate CrimesDeath PenaltyHondurasObama AdministrationPrison issues
Posted on
November 24, 2009 by

Students protest budget cuts and rising tuition costs
We’ll get an update on the situation in Honduras, where President Zelaya is still holding out in the Brazilian Embassy there, while the resistance movement continues to take to the streets; also, we’ll speak to a veteran teacher in the community college system in California about the impact of budget cuts at the two-year level; we’ll also be joined by Peter Phillips, who has a new article about the real causes for the financial meltdown at the Universities and Colleges; and Kevin Pina will be in the studio for an update on the situation in Haiti as he heads out to the region.
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Andres Thomas Conteris, Nonviolence International and Democracy Now
Grahame Russell, Rights Action
Mickey Huff and Peter Phillips, educators and editors/directors of Project Censored
Kevin Pina, FP Special Correspondent to Haiti

Tags: EducationHaitiHondurasStudent rights
Posted on
November 20, 2009 by

Dialogues Against Militarism
In an unprecedented move, Iraq and Afghanistan war resisters from the United States meet with their Israeli counterparts known as refuseniks to strategize and plan future actions to resist militarism; and three Mayors from El Salvador’s FMLN party visit the United States and meet with key officials in San Francisco.
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Sarah Lazare, Stephen Funk, Eddie Falcon, and Clare Baird, Dialogues Against Militarism
Roberto Alvarado, Izalco; Francisco Estrada, Santa Ana; and Jose Minero, Delgado – Mayors of Cities in El Salvador

Tags: El SalvadorGI ResistanceHondurasIndigenous rightsIsraelLatin AmericaObama AdministrationPalestine