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April 14, 2010 by

US Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israeli
Support continues to build for a global movement against Israeli apartheid in Palestine, today we feature anti-apartheid activist and Nazi holocaust survivor Hedy Epstein talking about why she supports the campus divestment movement; also, an in-depth analysis of the extent and the dangers of the unmeasured Israeli nuclear arsenal; and a GI resister who was a member of the same company shown in the recently-released Wikileaks video talks about how this action is commonplace throughout the military’s occupation of Iraq.
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Hedy Epstein, activist
John Steinbach, journalist
Spc. Josh Steiber, Iraq vet and peace activist

Tags: BDSEducationGazaGI ResistanceInternational LawIraqIsraelObama AdministrationPalestineZionism/Zionist Lobby
Posted on
February 11, 2010 by

Fort Stewart, Georgia officials confirmed that the Army will attempt to separate Spc Marc A Hall from both his civilian legal team and his established military defender Capt. Anthony Schiavetti by sending him to Iraq “within a few days” to face court martial.
The first rains fall on post-earthquake Haiti, and a cry of fear and resistance swells up, Kevin Pina continues his frontline reporting from ground zero in Port-au-Prince; also, Andres Conteris, back from Honduras, where he spent months reporting from the Brazilian Embassy in Tegucigalpa with the exiled President Manuel Zelaya; and Fort Stewart soldier and hip-hop artist Mark Hall faces a court martial for writing a song about military stop-loss.
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Kevin Pina
Andres Thomas Conteris
Sarah Lazare and Jeff Patterson, Courage to Resist

Tags: GI ResistanceHaitiHondurasInternational LawObama Administration
Posted on
December 07, 2009 by

cartoon by Khalil Bendib
We continue our reporting on the multiple impacts of Obama’s war policy; we’ll speak to an anti-war veteran on the 26th day of a hunger strike in front of the White House; we’ll revisit with a Native American anti-war mom and hear about her son’s struggle against a devastating case of PTSD; also, we’ll talk to a radical comedian who is challenging Charlie Schumer for the US Senate seat in New York; we’ll have a preliminary report on the sentencing of the Cuban Five in Miami; and we’ll also hear about the victory of a local activist who was beaten, arrested and indicted on felony charges for standing against the endless wars; and the Knight Report.
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Thomas Mahaney, Veteran
Georgia Stillwell Bissionette, anti-war mom
Stephanie Tang, World Can’t Wait
Walter Riley, attorney
Randy Credico, New York Senate Candidate
Gloria La Riva, Free the Cuban Five

Tags: AfghanistanGI ResistanceObama AdministrationPolice brutalityPrison issuesWar profiteering
Posted on
December 02, 2009 by

Iraq Vets Against the War
A Native American mom speaks out against the war as her military son suffers from PTSD; also, we’ll continue our investigation into the military’s cover-up of suicide and soldier breakdowns inside Forts across the country; we’ll have a report from one of many protests taking place in opposition to the expansion of the war in Afghanistan; also, an on-the-ground report from the Gaza strip, as Israeli occupation forces continue to destroy everyday life and attack Palestinians; and the Knight Report.
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Richard Becker, ANSWER Coalition
Dahr Jamail, FP Special Correspondent and author, The Will to Resist
Pvt. Michael Kern, active-duty Army soldier, member of Iraq Veterans Against the War
Georgia Stillwell Bissomette, mother and relative of soldiers in Iraq
Lisa Lietz, Board member of Military Families Speak Out
Rami al-Meghari, FP Special Correspondent, Free Speech Radio News and Electronic Intifada

Tags: AfghanistanGI ResistanceIraqIsraelObama AdministrationPalestine
Posted on
November 20, 2009 by

Dialogues Against Militarism
In an unprecedented move, Iraq and Afghanistan war resisters from the United States meet with their Israeli counterparts known as refuseniks to strategize and plan future actions to resist militarism; and three Mayors from El Salvador’s FMLN party visit the United States and meet with key officials in San Francisco.
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Sarah Lazare, Stephen Funk, Eddie Falcon, and Clare Baird, Dialogues Against Militarism
Roberto Alvarado, Izalco; Francisco Estrada, Santa Ana; and Jose Minero, Delgado – Mayors of Cities in El Salvador

Tags: El SalvadorGI ResistanceHondurasIndigenous rightsIsraelLatin AmericaObama AdministrationPalestine
Posted on
November 13, 2009 by
Afghan politician and outspoken critic of the expanding warlord corruption and US occupation of her country, Malalai Joya, talks about the war being waged against women and democracy in Afghanistan; also, former political prisoner Alaa’ Jaradat from the occupied West Bank tells us about the ongoing suffering, including widespread torture, of Palestinians inside Israeli prisons and detention camps; plus, remembering one of this country’s greatest storytellers, Brother Blue; and Military Families Speak Out on Veterans’ Day.
To listen, click here and download program from Radio4All.
Tags: AfghanistanGI ResistanceInternational LawIsraelObama AdministrationPalestinePrison issuesTorture
Best of Flashpoints
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November 11, 2009 by

Aoki: The Film
On Veteran’s Day, Military Families Speak Out against the expanding war in Afghanistan; also, a remembrance about the bee that saved my veteran father’s life; the AFL-CIO expands its involvement in representing migrant day laborers; plus, a new film documentary about the only Japanese-American to rise through the ranks of the Black Panthers; and the Knight Report.
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Nancy Lessin and Charlie Richardson, Military Families Speak Out
Eddie Acosta, AFL-CIO
Ben Wang, Director, AOKI
Music by: Jim Page, Matthew Owens and Adam Kathman

Tags: AfghanistanGI ResistanceImmigrant RightsInternational LawObama AdministrationPolice brutality
Posted on
November 10, 2009 by

Pvt. Michael Kern
A Private at Fort Hood attempts to hand-deliver a letter against the expanding war to President Obama during today’s memorial service, we’ll speak to the active-duty veteran soldier who says that while Secret Service destroyed his letter, he’s determined to get it to the President; we’ll also be joined by Dahr Jamail, who has written extensively about the growing GI resistance movement; plus, Andy Worthington, the director of a troubling new film, Outside the Law: Stories from Guantanamo, live in the studio; on Community Business with Catherine Austin Fitts, she’ll talk about the permanent war budget and its implications for the ongoing theft of people’s money; and the Knight Report.
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Private Michael Kern, Iraq Vets Against the War, active-duty Iraq veteran at Fort Hood
Dahr Jamail, journalist and Flashpoints special correspondent, author, The Will to Resist: Soldiers Who Refuse to Fight in Iraq and Afghanistan
Catherine Austin Fitts, Solari Network
Andy Worthington, co-director, Outside the Law: Stories from Guantanamo

Tags: AfghanistanCommunity BusinessCorporate CrimesGI ResistanceObama AdministrationPrison issuesTorture
Posted on
November 06, 2009 by

Gloria and Jacobo Arenas
An in-depth look at yesterday’s Fort Hood shooting, with Dahr Jamail; also, American Indian Movement founder Bill Means joins us to talk about a major visit by the United Nations to the Pine Ridge Reservation yesterday; We’ll also get a report from the Brazilian embassy in Honduras where the talks between President Zelaya and the coup government have broken down, and the deal has unraveled; we’ll hear about the harrowing story of two Mexican revolutionaries who were just released from prison after spending a good chunk of their lives locked down for advocating the overthrow of the Mexican government; and news headlines from Project Censored.
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Project Censored
Dahr Jamail, author and journalist
Andres Thomas Conteris, Democracy Now and Nonviolence International
John Gibler, reporter
Jimbo Simmons and Bill Means, American Indian Movement

Tags: GI ResistanceHondurasImmigrant RightsIndigenous rightsInternational LawMexicoObama AdministrationPrison issues
Posted on
October 23, 2009 by

Noam Chomsky
Noam Chomsky takes on Obama’s policies in the Middle East, we’ll hear from a recent speech he made at the Paramount Theater in Oakland; also, supporting the GI resistance movement through the opening of a cafe and outreach center near Fort Hood, Texas; and JR and the Block Report investigate some of the trumped-up charges of defendants in the Oakland 100 case, activists who were arrested during the rebellions against the cop murder of Oscar Grant in January.
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Noam Chomsky, legendary historian and linguist
Mike Wong, Veterans for Peace and Asian-Americans Against the War

Tags: AfghanistanGI ResistanceInternational LawIranIraqIsraelObama AdministrationPalestine