Wednesday, December 2nd, 2009

Iraq Vets Against the War
A Native American mom speaks out against the war as her military son suffers from PTSD; also, we’ll continue our investigation into the military’s cover-up of suicide and soldier breakdowns inside Forts across the country; we’ll have a report from one of many protests taking place in opposition to the expansion of the war in Afghanistan; also, an on-the-ground report from the Gaza strip, as Israeli occupation forces continue to destroy everyday life and attack Palestinians; and the Knight Report.
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Richard Becker, ANSWER Coalition
Dahr Jamail, FP Special Correspondent and author, The Will to Resist
Pvt. Michael Kern, active-duty Army soldier, member of Iraq Veterans Against the War
Georgia Stillwell Bissomette, mother and relative of soldiers in Iraq
Lisa Lietz, Board member of Military Families Speak Out
Rami al-Meghari, FP Special Correspondent, Free Speech Radio News and Electronic Intifada