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October 19, 2017 by
Today on Flashpoints: a special report-back on free and fair elections in Venezuela and what comes next for the country that Trump would like to invade: And we’ll feature and in-depth update on the situation in Puerto Rico as the Governor of the US colony meets with Trump in Washington D.C. today.
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Daily, Uncategorized
Posted on
September 14, 2010 by
Israeli Palestinian peace talks reconvened in Egypt today, but will they be in vain without the U.S. taking a strong stand against Israeli Settlement Building in the West Bank. Also, Disaster in San Bruno: we have a special Upfront on the deadly explosion and speak to several concerned residents from the area, including one who would probably be dead today if his house wasn’t foreclosed on.
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The Utility Reform Network
Khalila Sabra: U.S. campaign to end Israeli Occupation
Ray McGovern
Fred Nesbit
Dianna Gilbert

Corporate Crimes, Daily, Israel, Palestine
Posted on
August 27, 2010 by

Floodlines: Community and Resistance from Katrina to the Jena Six by Jordan Flaherty
We bring our focus to New Orleans, 5 years after hurricane Katrina powerfully ripped up much of the city and destroyed the levees, devastating the entire community; worst hit were the poor and Black communities, more because of governmental negligence than anything else; we’ll speak with community activists and organizers who have been struggling to reconstruct the city on a grassroots level; also, we’ll speak to New Orleans-based investigative journalist and author Jordan Flaherty about his experiences during Katrina and the more recent re-emergence of cultural growth in New Orleans.
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Jordan Flaherty, Investigative Reporter, Author and Editor of Left Turn Magazine, and featured speaker in the Community and Resistance Tour
Thom Pepper, Director of Operations for Common Ground
Viola Washington, Organizer with Welfare Organization
Jenga Mwenda, Founder of the Backyard Gardener’s network in the Lower 9th Ward

Tags: FloodlinesJordan FlahertyKatrinaNew Orleans
Posted on
August 23, 2010 by

Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange
Is Wikileaks founder the butt of a US disinformation campaign?; Rapper/musician Wyclef Jean forbidden from Running for President in Haiti; Rapper Immortal Technique on SB1070; and comedian-turned-political run out of the Democratic primary ticket by Schumer.
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Immortal Technique
Ray McGovern
Randy Credico
Kevin Pina

Tags: HaitiSB1070Wikileaks
Posted on
August 19, 2010 by

The "Media Pornography" Described by Eva Golinger
We feature a major breaking story on the direct business connections between Trans Ocean and the legendary Burmese heroine trafficking family of Lo Sing Han and his son, Stephen Law; also, Eva Golinger reports from Venezuela on a story she is labeling mass “media pornography.”
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Thomas Maung Shwe, Reporter for Mizzima News Service speaking from Chiang Mai
Eva Golinger, Investigative News and author of the Chavez Code

Tags: Gulf GusherHeroineTrans OceanVenezuela
Posted on
August 17, 2010 by

Dylcia Pagan, Former Puerto Rican Political Prisoner
We will rebroadcast the compelling interview with Flashpoints’ Special Correspondent Jon Gibler on the expanding involvement of the Mexican Military and State Police in the country’s deadly drug trade; also, JR and the Block Report sit down for an extended interview with the legendary revolutionary Dylcia Pagan; and we’ll examine the decision of the 9th circuit to put an indefinite stay on same sex marriage in California.
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Dylcia Pagan, Former Puerto Rican Political Prisoner
Dennis Herrera, San Francisco City Attorney
Leland Traiman, long time activist in the LGBT community
Elizabeth Gill, Lawyer with the ACLU of Northern California
John Gibler, Independent Reporter in Mexico
POCC Minister of Information JR and the Block Report

Tags: Drug WarLGBTMexicoMinister of Information JRPolitical Prisoners
Posted on
August 16, 2010 by

TIME Magazine's Recent Propaganda Cover
The Global Women’s Strike calls for support of twenty thousand Haitian women demanding the return of ousted president Jean Bertrand-Aristide; also, a look at TIME magazine’s pro-war disinformation; JR and the Block Report update the bloody wars and the growing resistance to them in the Congo.
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Ziad Abbas, Director of the Middle East Children’s Alliance and former political prisoner in Israel
Lucinda Marshall, Founder and Director of the Feminist Peace Network
Selma James, Coordinator of Global Women’s Strike and former collaborator and wife of the late CLR James
Mark Weisbrot, Co-Director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research
POCC Minister of Information JR and the Block Report

Tags: AfghanistanCongoGlobal Womens StrikeHaitiPalestineTIME
Posted on
August 12, 2010 by

Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine, who was Kidnapped and Dissapeared in Haiti August 12th, 2007
We mark the three year anniversary of the kidnapping and disappearance of Hatian human rights activist Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine; also, oil giant BP back in the news as they lose a 50 million dollar lawsuit for the explosion at their refineries in Texas; we feature an in-depth interview with Efia Nwangaza, the Founding Director of the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement for Self Determination on her presentation to the United Nations of human rights violations regarding the FBI’s Counter Intelligence Program of the 1960′s and 70′s as well ; and on an expanded Up Front we’ll take a look at the federal judges decision today to reject a stay on last week’s Proposition 8 ruling.
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Dahr Jamail, Investigative Reporter Focusing on the Gulf and Friend of Flashpoints
Anzel Herz, Investigative Reporter in Haiti
Wadner Pierre, Investigative Reporter in Haiti
Brian Concannon, Director of the Institute for Justice and Democracy in Haiti
Robert Roth
Efia Nwangaza, Founding Director of the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement for Self Determination. Links to the documents discussed: POLITICAL REPRESSION – POLITICAL PRISONERS; and POLITICAL REPRESSION: CONTINUUM OF DOMESTIC REPRESSION

Tags: COINTELPROGLBTQHaitiMarriage EqualityPolitical PrisonersProposition 8
Posted on
August 11, 2010 by

Thousands Protesting Section 8 Housing Failures in Atlanta Today
The economy takes another turn for the worse as thousands in Atlanta riot over housing shortages; on today’s extended Community Business, we’ll take a look at the state of today’s economy as it continues to unravel; also, an update on the case of the Scott Sisters who are serving two life sentences for an 11 dollar robbery eye witnesses say they didn’t do; and we’ll have a report on BP’s cash supporting academic apartheid at the University of California.
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Will Evans, Investigative Reporter with California Watch
Tyson Slocum, Director of the energy program at Public Citizen
Miguel Altieri, Professor of Entemology at UC Berkeley and critic of the BP-University deal
Kambiz Mostofi, Spokesman for the family of the Scott Sisters
Catherine Austin-Fitts, Editor of Solari and Community Business contributor

Tags: BPCommunity BusinessCorporate CrimeScott SistersUniversity of California
Posted on
August 10, 2010 by

A Bedouin woman sits in front of her rebuilt home in al-Araqib after it was destroyed by Israeli forces, again. (Joseph Dana)
Ali Abunimah talks about the third attempt to bulldoze a Bedouin village in apartheid Israel in two weeks; also, New Orleans-based investigative reporter, Jordan Flaherty, talks about his new book Floodlines, and gives an in-depth analysis of police corruption in New Orleans; and we’ll have a special report from Arizona on life after SB1070 and how the Tucson community is resisting.
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Jordan Flaherty, Editor of Left Turn Magazine, Investigative Journalist and Author
Ali Abunimah, Co-founder of the Electronic Intifada and Contributing Author to Midnight on the Mavi Marmara: The Attack on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla and How it Changed the Course of the Israel/Palestine Conflict
Barni Qaasim, Phoenix Activist and Flashpoints Special Contributor (see her full video HERE)
Dan Froomkin’s video, highlighted in Up Front

Tags: BDSElectronic IntifadaImmigrant RightsIsraelNew OrleansSB1070