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August 17, 2010 by

Dylcia Pagan, Former Puerto Rican Political Prisoner
We will rebroadcast the compelling interview with Flashpoints’ Special Correspondent Jon Gibler on the expanding involvement of the Mexican Military and State Police in the country’s deadly drug trade; also, JR and the Block Report sit down for an extended interview with the legendary revolutionary Dylcia Pagan; and we’ll examine the decision of the 9th circuit to put an indefinite stay on same sex marriage in California.
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Dylcia Pagan, Former Puerto Rican Political Prisoner
Dennis Herrera, San Francisco City Attorney
Leland Traiman, long time activist in the LGBT community
Elizabeth Gill, Lawyer with the ACLU of Northern California
John Gibler, Independent Reporter in Mexico
POCC Minister of Information JR and the Block Report

Tags: Drug WarLGBTMexicoMinister of Information JRPolitical Prisoners
Posted on
August 12, 2010 by

Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine, who was Kidnapped and Dissapeared in Haiti August 12th, 2007
We mark the three year anniversary of the kidnapping and disappearance of Hatian human rights activist Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine; also, oil giant BP back in the news as they lose a 50 million dollar lawsuit for the explosion at their refineries in Texas; we feature an in-depth interview with Efia Nwangaza, the Founding Director of the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement for Self Determination on her presentation to the United Nations of human rights violations regarding the FBI’s Counter Intelligence Program of the 1960′s and 70′s as well ; and on an expanded Up Front we’ll take a look at the federal judges decision today to reject a stay on last week’s Proposition 8 ruling.
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Dahr Jamail, Investigative Reporter Focusing on the Gulf and Friend of Flashpoints
Anzel Herz, Investigative Reporter in Haiti
Wadner Pierre, Investigative Reporter in Haiti
Brian Concannon, Director of the Institute for Justice and Democracy in Haiti
Robert Roth
Efia Nwangaza, Founding Director of the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement for Self Determination. Links to the documents discussed: POLITICAL REPRESSION – POLITICAL PRISONERS; and POLITICAL REPRESSION: CONTINUUM OF DOMESTIC REPRESSION

Tags: COINTELPROGLBTQHaitiMarriage EqualityPolitical PrisonersProposition 8