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July 01, 2010 by

Supporters of Oscar Grant outside the LA courthouse
Please note: Upcoming town hall meeting for Oscar Grant. It is this Saturday at Olivet Institutional Missionary Baptist Church, 807 27th st, Oakland. Click HERE for more info.
We’ll get an update on the BP volcano and what’s going on in Mississippi at the Gulf: we’ll speak to the state director of the Sierra Club for Mississippi and the director of First Responders there; also, we’ll have an in-depth look at the Oscar Grant-Johannes Mehserle trial, as both the defense and the prosecution conclude their closing arguments; we’ll also take a look at what could come of the community reaction to the verdict; finally we’ll hear from a Pakistani human rights campaigner who works with domestic workers in Lahore.
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Louis Miller, State Director of the Sierra Club in Mississippi
Linda St. Martin, Director of First Responders in Mississippi
Thandisizwe Chimurenga, LA-based independent journalist
Aige Patterson, activist with the LA Coalition for Justice for Oscar Grant
Bushra Khalik, Pakistani women’s rights activist, speaking tonight at the Socialism Conference in Oakland

Palestinian community activist
Richard Becker
Labor community committee, in solidarity with the Palestinian people
Tags: Gulf GusherJohannes MehserleOscar GrantPakistan
Posted on
May 04, 2010 by

Nesting brown pelicans, terns and seagulls are seen next to oil booms on Breton Island in the Gulf of Mexico off the coast of Lousiana Tuesday, May 4, 2010. Wildlife are vulnerable to the oil spill resulting from last week's explosion and sinking of the Deepwater Horizon oil rig. (Gerald Herbert)
The leading expert on avian toxicity speaks out about the profound dangers to birds, all marine wildlife, and the fragile ecosystems of the Gulf region as residents brace across the three states for the worst; also, we’ll take an in-depth look at the arrest in New York of a Pakistani-American with alleged connections to al-Qaeda; and Chicano students at the University of California at Berkeley begin a hunger strike to protest school cutbacks and the racist laws that were just passed in Arizona.
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Dr. Michael Fry, leading avian toxicity expert
Ali Abunimah, Electronic Intifada
Jesse Strauss with Alejandro Lara Briseno, UC Student

Tags: Corporate CrimesEnvironmental justiceInternational LawObama AdministrationPakistan
Posted on
April 05, 2010 by

Collateral Murder
A classified US military videotape shows US soldiers engaging in a massacre of unarmed civilians and and two Reuters journalists; also, we’ll have special reports on the expanding wars in Afghanistan and in Pakistan, where local militias lay siege to a US Consulate.
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Josiah White, Iraq Vets Against the War
WATCH: “Collateral Murder” – US Classified military video leaked
Gareth Porter
Reese Erlich

Tags: AfghanistanInternational LawIraqObama AdministrationPakistan
Posted on
November 05, 2009 by

Arundhati Roy
An in-depth interview with internationally-renowned author and activist Arundhati Roy, Roy is the author of a brand-new book, Field Notes on Democracy: Listening to Grasshoppers. She speaks about the new book and the deterioration of real democracy around the world; also, we get an update on the case of Mumia Abu Jamal; and the Knight Report.
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Arundhati Roy, Award-winning novelist and essayist
Jeff Mackler, Director, National Campaign to Free Mumia Abu Jamal

Tags: IndiaIndigenous rightsInternational LawMumia Abu JamalObama AdministrationPakistanPrison issues
Posted on
October 29, 2009 by

The Shock Doctrine - Naomi Klein
A benefit to save one of the most important Black churches in New Orleans; we’ll speak to Colonel Ann Wright about the bloody and explosive situations in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan; also, legendary economist and author of The Shock Doctrine, Naomi Klein, in a rabble-rousing speech on UC Berkeley campus; and the Knight Report.
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Colonel Ann Wright (retired)
Naomi Klein, economist and author, The Shock Doctrine (Thanks to Davey D for this audio recording)
Sakura Kone, National Campaign Coordinator to Restore Wesley United in New Orleans
Tags: AfghanistanCorporate PrivatizationIraqNew OrleansObama AdministrationPakistanStudent rights