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April 12, 2010 by

Dr. Francis Boyle
Dr. Michio Kaku talks about the global nuclear state of affairs as world leaders gather at a Presidential summit in Washington; also, Francis Boyle analyzes the front-runners for possible appointment to the Supreme Court; and UC Berkeley students talk about the university’s bill to divest from companies that profit from the injustices of Israel’s occupation of Palestine.
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Dr. Francis Boyle, International law professor
Michio Kaku, legendary physicist, author, radio and tv personality
Nairi Shrinian and Majdi Abuhamdieh, UC Berkeley undergraduates and members of Students for Justice in Palestine

Tags: BDSBush administrationGazaInternational LawIsraelNuclear weaponsObama AdministrationPalestineStudent rightsTortureZionism/Zionist Lobby
Posted on
February 19, 2010 by

Kevin Pina: Haiti: We Must Kill the Bandits
Special correspondent Kevin Pina was in Cite Soleil delivering necessary material and food to thousands of people who are facing starvation in the rainy season; also, we’ll look at an investigation coming out of Canada into how private contractors like Blackwater are capitalizing on the Haiti earthquake; and we’ll feature more excerpts from Kevin Pina’s award-winning documentary, Haiti: We Must Kill the Bandits.
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Kevin Pina
Anthony Fenton, independent journalist – see this link for his latest article on Haiti

Tags: Bush administrationCanadaHaitiObama Administration
Posted on
February 17, 2010 by

Haiti: We Must Kill the Bandits
Over a month after the massive earthquake shook Haiti, hundreds of thousands are still in desperate need of food and shelter. We’ll spend most of the hour with our special correspondent, Kevin Pina, at ground zero in Port au Prince. Also, we’ll hear excerpts from Kevin’s new film, “Haiti: we must kill the bandits.”
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Kevin Pina
Excerpt from the film, Haiti: We Must Kill the Bandits

Tags: Bush administrationHaitiObama Administration
Posted on
January 21, 2010 by

US military personnel "monitor traffic" at Port-au-Prince airport (Courtesy of AFP)
A survivor and eyewitness to the Haiti earthquake talks about his experiences and reports on the response by the Haitian diaspora in New York; also, noted international scholar and law professor Francis Boyle files a complaint in the International Criminal Court against high officials of the Bush administration, including Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld, for their criminal policy of extraordinary rendition; plus, anti-torture protesters arrested in Washington DC, protesting Obama’s failure to shut down Guantanamo; and news headlines from Project Censored.
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Yvon Kernizan, Haitian activist and organizer with the Haiti Emergency Relief Fund
Dr. Francis Boyle, professor of International Law at University of Illinois
Matt Deloisio, Witness Against Torture
Project Censored
Tags: Bush administrationHaitiInternational LawObama AdministrationPrison issuesTorture
Posted on
January 14, 2010 by

Helicopter flying over Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Thursday. Francois Mori/AP
We’ll have a frontline report from on the ground in Haiti, where tens of thousands of people have died in a massive earthquake; we’ll also talk about the politics behind relief and hear from Pierre Labossiere about various actions to support the people of Haiti; also, Flashpoints special correspondent Jamal Jumaa released from Israeli detention, he talks about his month in jail, enduring solitary confinement and psychological torture and his perseverance to keep the anti-apartheid movement going; Bekah Wolf talks about expanding Israeli settler attacks in West Bank villages; and cartoonist reporter Joe Sacco talks about the focus story of his book, Footnotes in Gaza.
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Kevin Pina, Haiti Action
Pierre Labossiere, Haiti Action Emergency Relief Fund
Ansel Herz, Narco News
Jamal Jumaa, Stop the Wall
Bekah Wolf, Palestine Solidarity Project
Joe Sacco, reporter and cartoonist

Joe Sacco
Tags: BDSBush administrationGazaHaitiInternational LawIsraelObama AdministrationPalestinePrison issuesTorture
Posted on
January 12, 2010 by

Protesting Torture
Obama breaks his campaign promise to close the US Torture Center at Guantanamo Bay; anti-torture protesters hold him accountable in Washington D.C. ; Meanwhile, the man who wrote the memos justifying the wide ranging use of torture under the Bush administration, John Yoo, starts teaching again, but exactly where is being kept a secret by Officials at the University of California in Berkeley; And Ali Abumimah speaks with us from Amman, Jordan about two weeks of protest in Cairo against Israeli Apartheid.
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Stephanie Tang, World Can't Wait
Kevin Pina, Haiti Action
Ali Abinumah, Electronic Intifada
Frida Berrigan, Witness Against Torture
Tags: BDSBush administrationGazaHaitiInternational LawIsraelObama AdministrationPalestineRight-WingTorture
Posted on
December 24, 2009 by

White phosphorus attacks on Gaza
Holiday Special, Part 2:
Today on Flashpoints: We rebroadcast part two of our three part series on the massive US/Israeli carpet bombing of the Gaza Strip, A year ago: During more than three weeks of US/Israeli bombing, by land, air and sea, over 1400 Palestinians were killed, including three hundred children. There was no where to hide: Schools, UN compounds, mosques, Hospitals, entire neighborhoods were leveled, using the latest in advanced weaponry, including the infamous DIME bomb.
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Tags: Bush administrationGazaIndigenous rightsInternational LawIsraelObama AdministrationPalestine
Posted on
December 23, 2009 by

Gaza under siege, January 2009
Today on Flashpoints: We rebroadcast part one of our three part series on the massive US/Israeli carpet bombing of the Gaza Strip, A year ago: During more than three weeks of US/Israeli bombing, by land, air and sea, over 1400 Palestinians were killed, including three hundred children. There was nowhere to hide: Schools, UN compounds, mosques, Hospitals, entire neighborhoods were leveled, using the latest in advanced weaponry, including the infamous DIME bomb.
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Tags: Bush administrationGazaIndigenous rightsInternational LawIsraelObama AdministrationPalestine
Posted on
October 20, 2009 by

Guantanamo Bay Prison
We’ll feature part two of our multi-part series, the Anatomy of a Financial Coup d’Etat with Catherine Austin Fitts; also, the US Supreme Court agrees to hear the case of 13 Uighurs who are still being held at Guantanamo, five years after they were to be released; plus, we’ll speak to the filmmaker of The Road to Fallujah, who is kicking off a national tour of US universities, attempting to build bridges of communication between American and Iraqi college students; and the Knight Report.
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Shayana Kadidal, Senior Managing Attorney, Center for Constitutional Rights, Guantánamo Global Justice Initiative
Catherine Austin Fitts, Solari Network
Mark Manning, filmmaker, The Road to Fallujah, and Global Access Media
Tags: Bush administrationCommunity BusinessInternational LawIraqObama AdministrationPrison issuesTorture
Posted on
October 08, 2009 by

David Ray Griffin
Fifteen members of the OAS meet with President Zelaya and the coup government in Honduras, but no real solution in sight, we’ll get a report from the Brazilian Embassy, where the President is still holding out; also, we’ll speak to 9-11 investigation expert David Ray Griffin about his new book that focuses in on the collapse of Building 7 at the World Trade Center.
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Andres Thomas Conteris, Nonviolence International, Democracy Now! en Espanol
David Ray Griffin, author, The Mysterious Collapse of World Trade Center 7: Why the Final Official Report About 9/11 Is Unscientific and False

Tags: Bush administrationHonduras