Monday, December 7th, 2009

cartoon by Khalil Bendib
We continue our reporting on the multiple impacts of Obama’s war policy; we’ll speak to an anti-war veteran on the 26th day of a hunger strike in front of the White House; we’ll revisit with a Native American anti-war mom and hear about her son’s struggle against a devastating case of PTSD; also, we’ll talk to a radical comedian who is challenging Charlie Schumer for the US Senate seat in New York; we’ll have a preliminary report on the sentencing of the Cuban Five in Miami; and we’ll also hear about the victory of a local activist who was beaten, arrested and indicted on felony charges for standing against the endless wars; and the Knight Report.
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Thomas Mahaney, Veteran
Georgia Stillwell Bissionette, anti-war mom
Stephanie Tang, World Can’t Wait
Walter Riley, attorney
Randy Credico, New York Senate Candidate
Gloria La Riva, Free theĀ Cuban Five