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June 09, 2010 by

Sergio Adrian Hernandez Huereka, the Victim of US Border Patrol Agents in El Paso, Texas
Border patrol agents execute a 15 year old unarmed Mexican at the US-Mexico border in El Paso; we’ll speak with organizers of a vigil in El Paso for 15 year old Sergio Hernandez, and we’ll be joined by Nativo Lopez, President of the Mexican-American Political Association; we’ll also have a report from the murder trial of Johannes Mehserle who killed Oscar Grant it was revealed today right after the young man photographed the violent cop holding a taser; we’ll also have a report about migrant domestic workers fighting for workers rights and legal protection.
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Nativo Lopez
Mikey Velarde
Andrea Mercado
Linda Cruz
JR & The Block Report

Tags: Immigrant RightsOscar GrantPolice brutalityUp Front
Posted on
May 21, 2010 by

La Mission
We’ll continue our frontline reporting on one of the worst environmental disasters in modern history, we’ll hear from our reporters who were out on the water, around the marsh and the bay where the oil is spilling into now by the millions of gallons; also, we’ll have in-depth analysis on the state visit by Mexican president Felipe Calderon; we’ll talk about San Francisco’s decision to kill the “secure communities” program that condones racial profiling and the arrest of migrant workers on mere suspicion; Miguel Molina interviews Benjamin Bratt and Peter Bratt about their new film, La Mission, filmed in San Francisco’s Mission District; and we’ll feature sounds from Crossing Arizona, the film that documents the negative impacts of current racist laws against migrant workers, their families and supporters.
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Larry Everest, historian and author
Francisco Herrera, internationally known troubadour and founder of Caminante
Arnoldo Garcia, Program Director, National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights
Evelina Molina, Flashpoints Correspondent

Tags: Environmental justiceImmigrant RightsIndigenous rightsObama Administration
Posted on
May 14, 2010 by

Tona Tierra
We’ll focus on the first racist murder after the passage of Arizona’s anti-immigrant legislation, we’ll speak with Tupac Enrique Acosta; also, we’ll speak to Mapa President Nativo Lopez about Los Angeles’ action to restrain Arizona but fails to clean up its own anti-immigrant house; and, we welcome back advocate, author and marijuana guru Ed Rosenthal.
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Tupac Enrique Acosta
Nativo Lopez
Ed Rosenthal

Tags: Health careImmigrant RightsIndigenous rightsMexicoObama Administration
Posted on
May 11, 2010 by

A demonstrator, holding up an image of Haiti's ousted President Jean-Betran Aristide, amidst tear gas during a protest against Haiti's President Rene Preval in Port-au-Prince, Monday, May 10, 2010. (AP Photo/Esteban Felix)
Kevin Pina talks about thousands of Haitians in the streets of Port-au-Prince, demanding the resignation of President Rene Preval and the reinstatement of ousted President Jean-Bertrand Aristide and getting tear-gassed by police; also, an update on the second week of the UC Berkeley hunger strike, as students urge the University to publicly oppose the racist Arizona anti-immigrant law; and we broadcast excerpts of the hard-hitting film documentary, “Capitalism: A Love Story” by Michael Moore.
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Kevin Pina, Flashpoints special correspondent
Michael Moore’s film, Capitalism: A Love Story

Tags: Corporate CrimesHaitiImmigrant RightsInternational LawStudent rights
Posted on
April 30, 2010 by

Gulf Coast BP Oil Spill
Please note: Due to technical difficulties, the Best of Flashpoints this week is not available for download.
Tens of thousands of gallons of oil continue to spill into the Gulf of Mexico, endangering the lives and the livelihoods of thousands of Gulf Coast residents and the already-fragile eco-systems; also, Mexican paramilitaries ambush and kill members of a human rights convoy in Oaxaca; we’ll continue our reporting on the crackdown on the entire immigrant community and their supporters; we’ll update our reports on the protests against school budget cuts; and Flashpoints en Espanol.
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Tyson Slocum, Public Citizen
John Gibler, FP Special Correspondent and author
Rene Saucedo
Evelina Molina
Cesar Cruz

Tags: Corporate CrimesEducationEnvironmental justiceImmigrant RightsIndigenous rightsLatin AmericaMexicoObama Administration
Posted on
April 28, 2010 by

Ahmed Deeb before he bled to death from the Israeli-fired explosive bullet which severed his femoral artery. (Photo credit: Max Ajl)
Israeli occupation forces shoot and kill an unarmed Palestinian protester inside the Gaza Strip, the 9th protester to be shot in less than a month, we’ll have a full report from journalist and activist Eva Bartlett in Gaza; also, Sonoma County in Northern California poised to pass an unprecedented vote in support of immigrant rights and civil rights, we’ll speak to Evelina Molina on the Sonoma Human Rights Commission on what this means in the context of accelerated federal anti-immigration policies; plus, we discuss Goldman Sachs and the state of corporate plundering of the American people on Community Business with Catherine Austin Fitts; and Dr. Helen Caldicott delivers a riveting speech on nuclear energy, nuclear power, and nuclear danger.
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Eva Bartlett, ISM activist and journalist
Evelina Molina, Sonoma County Human Rights Commission and Flashpoints producer
Catherine Austin Fitts, Solari Network
Dr. Helen Caldicott, anti-nuclear author and scholar. Thank you to If You Love This Planet for the material.
Tags: Community BusinessCorporate CrimesGazaImmigrant RightsInternational LawIsraelNuclear weaponsObama AdministrationPalestine
Posted on
April 26, 2010 by

A Palestinian teenager sits outside a protest tent in Silwan, next to a site where Israeli settlers are excavating a tunnel. (Jonathan Cook, Electronic Intifada)
Rene Saucedo of the San Francisco Day Labor Center reports back from City Hall on a day of protest against Arizona’s racist, anti-immigrant legislation SB 1070; also, Israel plans to build more illegal settlement colonies in occupied East Jerusalem as Palestinians face violent repression by settlers and Israeli forces; we’ll have an in-depth discussion on the state of emergency facing Haitians three months after the devastating earthquake as relief and food runs out; and commentaries by death row journalist Mumia Abu Jamal.
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Rene Saucedo, Director, SF Day Labor Center
Zakaria Odeh, Director, Civic Coalition to Defend Palestinian Rights in Jerusalem
Ryan Ikeda, filmmaker and high school teacher
Mumia Abu Jamal, political prisoner, journalist

Tags: Food SecurityHaitiImmigrant RightsInternational LawIsraelMumia Abu JamalObama AdministrationPalestinePrison issuesZionism/Zionist Lobby
Posted on
April 23, 2010 by

Cesar Chavez
American Indian Movement leaders Tony Gonzales and Bill Means report from a United Nations permanent forum on Indigenous Affairs in New York City, we’ll speak to them about human rights standards on health, education and the environment for indigenous peoples on this continent; also, a commentary by Miguel Molina on the 17th anniversary of Cesar Chavez’ passing; and Flashpoints en Espanol.
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Tony Gonzales and Bill Means, American Indian Movement
Francisco Herrera
Miguel Gavilan Molina
Miguel Perez

Tags: Environmental justiceImmigrant RightsIndigenous rightsInternational LawObama AdministrationWorkers' Rights
Posted on
April 19, 2010 by

Susan Abulhawa
Palestinian-American novelist Susan Abulhawa focuses on the ongoing refugee struggle in her new novel, Mornings in Jenin; also, Evelina Molina speaks with Arnoldo Garcia of the National Network of Immigrant and Refugee Rights about new, racist crackdowns on migrant workers in Arizona; and JR and the Block Report talk about how the state and local governments avoid the root causes of violence through the implementation of racial profiling and gang injunctions.
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Susan Abulhawa, author, Mornings in Jenin
Arnoldo Garcia, National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights
JR and the Block Report

Tags: GazaImmigrant RightsIndigenous rightsInternational LawIsraelObama AdministrationPalestinePolice brutalityPrison issuesWorkers' Rights
Posted on
April 09, 2010 by

ICE Raids
Please note: Best of Flashpoints not available online this week.
ICE continues to expand its crackdown on migrant workers, their families and supporters, we’ll speak with Rene Saucedo about how the Obama administration is even worse than Bush when it comes to these persecuted workers; also, a Salvadoran leader and indigenous chief talks about his return to El Salvador and his fight to protect original language and agriculture; we’ll also report on a major change just announced by the Sierra Club which has come down four-square against the US-Mexico wall; and Flashpoints in Espanol will also talk about El Salvador and the wall.
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Francisco Herrera
Rene Saucedo
Miguel Gavilan Molina
Dan Mills, Sierra Club/No More Deaths
David Escobar
Chief Antonio Chevez
Miguel Perez

Tags: Environmental justiceImmigrant RightsIndigenous rightsInternational LawObama AdministrationPolice brutalityPrison issuesWorkers' Rights