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August 25, 2009 by

Israeli PM Netanyahu with US President Barack Obama
A special report from Honduras on the ongoing investigation of the coup leaders by the Spanish judge who indicted Pinochet; plus, Israel bombs southern Gaza, killing at least three, we’ll speak with Ali Abunimah about the attacks and Obama’s declaration in support of a “necessary war” in Afghanistan; also, we’ll have a special report from the United Native Americans on a pilgrimage to take back Mt. Rushmore National Memorial in South Dakota; and the Knight Report.
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Ali Abunimah, editor and co-founder of Electronic Intifada
Tim Russo, Free Speech Radio News
Quanah Parker Brightman, United Native Americans
Professor Lehman Brightman, President of UNA

Tags: AfghanistanDailyHondurasIndigenous rightsIsraelObama AdministrationPalestine
Afghanistan, Daily, Honduras, Indigenous rights, Israel, Obama Administration, Palestine
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August 20, 2009 by
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Cynthia McKinney in Gaza
An in-depth interview with former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney; we’ll speak with her about her recent trip on the Gaza boat and the arrest by Israeli authorities, and Obama’s expanding war policies throughout the Middle East; also, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Chris Hedges warns about the dangers of the expanding war and occupation policy; JR and the Block Report on the Troy Anthony Davis case, as the Supreme court will hear crucial information that was excluded in the initial trials; and the the Knight Report.
Chris Hedges, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and war correspondent
Former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney
Martina Davis, sister of Troy Anthony Davis
Afghanistan, Daily, Indigenous rights, Iraq, Oakland, Obama Administration, Palestine, Prison issues
Posted on
August 18, 2009 by
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Example of mountaintop removal in Kentucky/West Virginia
We’ll have a live report on the latest struggle from the resistance movement in Honduras; also, we’ll take a look at the expanding war in Afghanistan and the involvement of high-level officials in the expanding drug trade; we’ll have an update on mountaintop strip mining, where protesters are battling with federal officials in Virginia and several other states; and we’ll take a look at a new book called Violent Gods, which examines Hindu nationalism in India and the impact, particularly on women, in Kashmir.
Tim Russo, FP Special Correspondent and FSRN reporter
Reese Erlich, author and journalist
Mike Roselle, environmental justice activist and author of TreeSpiker (forthcoming)
Angana Chatterji, professor of Social and Cultural Anthropology and author of Violent Gods
Afghanistan, Corporate Crimes, Daily, Environmental justice, Honduras, India, Indigenous rights