Tuesday, December 15th, 2009

UC Student Protests
We begin a series of new reports on the expanding devastation in Haiti with our special correspondent on the ground, Kevin Pina; also, we’ll take a look at the attacks by AIPAC and Zionist activists on local and national media; plus, we’ll continue our drumbeat coverage of the student rebellions across California in response to massive cutbacks and tuition increases at the University and Community College level; and the Knight Report.
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Kevin Pina, FP Special Correspondent
Barbara Lubin, Executive Director, Middle East Children’s Alliance
Mickey Huff, Associate Director, Project Censored; Professor at Diablo Valley College
George Cicariello-Maher, UC Berkeley PhD candidate, correspondent for Counterpunch
Laura Zee, Student at UC Berkeley, arrested at Wheeler Hall, in court today
Asas Shalev, UC Berkeley Student, arrested at Wheeler Hall
Tyler Collins, UC Berkeley Student