Friday, January 8th, 2010

Global Climate Crisis
We’ll have an expansive report-back from the recent Global Climate Summit in Copenhagen, and we’ll be joined by Tony Gonzales of the American Indian Movement West, Flashpoints special correspondent Evelina Molina, who went as a part of a Global Exchange delegation, also joining us is Global Exchange founder Kevin Danaher, and syndicated media columnist Norman Solomon will give some analysis of the media coverage of the climate summit; we’ll be looking at what happened and where the movement goes from here; plus, JR reports from Los Angeles, on the opening hearings for the trial of Oscar Grant murderer, BART Cop Johannes Mesherle; we’ll also have news headlines from Project Censored; and Flashpoints en Espanol.
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JR and the Block Report
Tony Gonzales, AIM West
Evelina Molina, FP Special Correspondent
Kevin Danaher, Global Exchange
Norman Solomon, Media columnist
Richard Becker, International ANSWER Coalition