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April 08, 2010 by

Massey Energy Complex near Montcoal, WV is seen in a Wednesday, April 6, 2010 aerial photo. A Massey executive said Thursday, April 8, 2010 that more drilling is needed to help clear a West Virginia mine of dangerous gases so that rescue teams go underground again.(AP Photo/Charleston Daily Mail, Craig Cunningham)
We’ll feature an extended report on the failure of the government and the Massey coal mining company to protect its workers; also, we’ll continue to follow the journey of a Canadian minister trying to hold the Church accountable for the genocide of the indigenous population of Canada; and we’ll also look at the recent closing of the Nummi-Toyota plant in California.
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Steve Zeltzer, labor journalist/videographer and co-host
Barry Shepherd, labor activist and writer
Jeff Biggers, labor activist and writer
Rev. Jim Lewis, Episcopal Minister, Charleston WV
Juan Castillo, UAW2244 Executive Board member
Kevin Annett, former Minister and filmmaker

Tags: CanadaEnvironmental justiceIndigenous rightsWorkers' Rights
Posted on
April 01, 2010 by

Pfizer (photo: Getty Images)
We’ll have a report on a Federal lawsuit against pharmaceutical giant Pfizer for contaminating their workers; also, a former Iranian torture victim and student revolutionary speaks out about the current executions in Iran; and a brand-new film series in Berkeley highlights the ongoing struggle of Palestinans under occupation.
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Anahita, student revolutionary from 1970s
Steve Zeltzer, Labor activist
Becky McLaine, former Pfizer scientist
Steve Shrag, Connecticut co-chair, Council on Occupational Safety and Health
Nabil Wahbeh and Annette Herskovits
Palestine Film Series at Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists

Tags: Corporate CrimesEnvironmental justiceHealth careIranIsraelPalestineTortureWorkers' Rights
Posted on
March 29, 2010 by
This week on the Best of Flashpoints, we speak with investigative journalist Alan Nairn on the run in Indonesia. Nairn just broke a major story on the killings of civil activists in Indonesia by the military. Also, Arundhati Roy speaks about her visits w/the Maoist rebels in central India as well as legendary enviornmental activist Mike Roselle and we’ll hear a report on the expanding militarization of the U.S./Mexico border and it’s lethal impact on migrant workers.
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Tags: Environmental justiceImmigrant RightsIndiaIndonesia
Best of Flashpoints
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March 25, 2010 by

Angana Chatterji
Today on Flashpoints, we’ll speak to legendary radical environmental activist Mike Roselle about his on-going struggle to end the devastating mining practice of mountain-top removal in the Coal River Mountain Range. Also, We’ll speak to Angana Chatterji about a crucial benefit with Arundhati Roy to support The International People’s Tribunal on Human Rights and Justice In Indian-Administered Kashmir; and we’ll get a live report from Miguel Gavilan Molina on a march and rally for immigrants rights taking place in San Francisco.
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Miguel Gavilan Molina, Producer, Flashpoints en Espanol
Mike Roselle, Co-founder, EarthFirst
Angana Chatterji, anthropologist and feminist historian

Tags: Environmental justiceImmigrant RightsIndiaKashmir
Posted on
January 25, 2010 by

Corporate Courting
Kevin Pina reports live from Port-au-Prince on the ongoing suffering in Haiti and the decision by the US government to put military security before saving lives; also, Greg Palast talks about the recent Supreme Court decision that empowers corporations to fully control the electoral process; and we continue our discussion on the politics of food.
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Kevin Pina
Pierre Labossiere, Haiti Action Committee
Greg Palast, investigative reporter, author and filmmaker
Anuradha Mittal, Oakland Institute
Lilian Autler, Grassroots International

Tags: Corporate CrimesCorporate PrivatizationEnvironmental justiceFood SecurityHaitiObama AdministrationRepublicansRight-Wing
Posted on
January 15, 2010 by

Girls collect water from a broken pipe in the ground to take back to their families who are camped in vacant lots in Port au Prince, Friday, Jan. 15, 2010. (AP Photo/Julie Jacobson)
We broadcast live from San Rafael’s Canal Welcome Center for the indigenous immigrant community; we’ll continue our reporting on Haiti with a devastating report from Bay Area attorney Walter Riley, who spent the last three days digging out bodies and treating the wounded in Port-au-Prince; plus, we’ll be joined by Evelina Molina, just back from the Global Climate Summit, we’ll be joined by the director of the Center, Douglas Mundo, Norman Solomon will be with us to talk about the fight to save the earth; and on Flashpoints on Espanol, Evelina Molina will talk about the Green Summit and green jobs with Douglas Mundo.
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Walter Riley, Bay Area-based Civil Rights attorney and board member of Haiti Emergency Relief Fund
Kevin Pina
Norman Solomon
Evelina Molina
Davin Cardenas

Tags: Environmental justiceHaitiImmigrant RightsIndigenous rights
Posted on
January 08, 2010 by

Global Climate Crisis
We’ll have an expansive report-back from the recent Global Climate Summit in Copenhagen, and we’ll be joined by Tony Gonzales of the American Indian Movement West, Flashpoints special correspondent Evelina Molina, who went as a part of a Global Exchange delegation, also joining us is Global Exchange founder Kevin Danaher, and syndicated media columnist Norman Solomon will give some analysis of the media coverage of the climate summit; we’ll be looking at what happened and where the movement goes from here; plus, JR reports from Los Angeles, on the opening hearings for the trial of Oscar Grant murderer, BART Cop Johannes Mesherle; we’ll also have news headlines from Project Censored; and Flashpoints en Espanol.
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JR and the Block Report
Tony Gonzales, AIM West
Evelina Molina, FP Special Correspondent
Kevin Danaher, Global Exchange
Norman Solomon, Media columnist
Richard Becker, International ANSWER Coalition

Tags: Chicano cultureEnvironmental justiceImmigrant RightsIndigenous rightsInternational LawLatin AmericaObama AdministrationPolice brutalityPrison issues
Posted on
January 07, 2010 by

Food Security / Anuradha Mittal
Internationally-renowned expert on trade and development Anuradha Mittal talks about the politics of food and has a good deal to say about what’s happening between African farmers and the so-called Green Revolution; also, we rebroadcast an interview with legendary South African poet and leading anti-apartheid activist Dennis Brutus, who passed away December 26th.
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Anuradha Mittal, Founder/Executive Director of the Oakland Institute
Dennis Brutus, legendary South African poet/freedom fighter (passed away December 26th, 2009)
Tags: ApartheidBDSCorporate CrimesEnvironmental justiceFood SecurityIndigenous rightsInternational LawIsraelObama AdministrationPalestinePrison issues
Posted on
December 22, 2009 by

The Annexation Wall surrounds the Palestinian village of Qalqilya. The wall deprives its 12,000 residents of their basic needs to work, to receive proper medical care, and to harvest their own land. AIPAC heavily lobbied Congress to support the Wall. (via
An in-depth report on the pervasive powers of the highly influential US Israeli Lobby, AIPAC; Also, JR and the Block Report look at the racism around the distribution of federal bail-out funds, and how it impacts on Black construction workers; and we feature more grassroots voices from the recent Global Climate Summit in Copenhagen.
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Jefferey Blankfort, expert on Israeli Lobbies
JR and the Block Report
Tags: BDSEnvironmental justiceIndigenous rightsIsraelObama AdministrationPalestineRacismWorkers' RightsZionism/Zionist Lobby
Posted on
December 22, 2009 by

Kevin in Haiti
In Haiti, Death Squads Take to the streets in Port au Prince with full impunity; also, Eva Golinger reports from Caracas on Drone Surveillance from Columbia, CIA infiltrations into Cuba, and the coup in Honduras; A leader of the Indigenous Environmental Network Speaks out at the end of the Global Summit, and the Knight report.
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Kevin Pina, Flashpoints special correspondent
Tom Goldtooth, Indigenous Environmental Network
Eva Golinger, author, The Chavez Code
Tags: Environmental justiceHaitiHondurasIndigenous rightsInternational LawObama AdministrationVenezuela